Friday, May 28, 2010


I love this picture.  For some reason, it reminds me of my older sister.  Maybe because, as a kid, all I ever wanted was to have been born in '76 as opposed to '78.  She was TWO whole years older than me and those TWO whole years provided her with a cool factor that I desperately wanted.  She had her ears pierced before me, drove a Cabriolet convertible before me, shopped at 5-7-9 before me, and went on car dates with BOYS before me.  

Today, those two whole years provide less of a cool factor but quite a bit of wisdom and grace.  And, while I now associate two years with acquiring more fine lines and gray hairs, I would still trade places with her in a heartbeat. 


Binford Family said...

such a sweet and true post! Love it!! Hope you are having the time of your life over there, enjoy following along with you.

Melissa said...

awwwwhhh! Such a sweet post and you brought tears to my eyes! Miss you lots and wish we were seeing you guys this weekend!!! Hurry home and then hurry down here little sis!!!!

btw....reserved our wood! we are putting in the week before you visit!