Monday, December 13, 2010


Work!  Some days I love my new job.  Lately, I've had a few of those days in a row so I think we will stay in Cincy a bit longer.  In the process of learning more about dish soap than I ever deemed possible, I'm learning quite a bit about marketing and that whole general management thing.  Last week, I spent all day every day at ABM College teaching me (and 40 of my peers from all over the world) how to do our jobs and how to think about what we are doing in the grander scheme of things.  It was a cool (exhausting but cool) experience.  We even had a group of folks from Google join the college and impart all their digital knowledge upon our tv-advertising-loving group. 
 Hanging out with the Old Spice guy after he showed up at an awards banquet
 A little Christmas tree love with Jess after a work dinner but before T.O.'s birthday party.  And by "T.O.'s birthday party" I really mean a random Monday night at the only place open in downtown Cincinnati.  They had a big banner but no wide receiver. 
My team at ABM College

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