Sunday, January 22, 2012


Soooo.....I had grand plans of spending the last month updating the blog with our Christmas plans, the things we did with my parents in town, the anticipation of our child's birth, and a myriad of other lofty goals.  What actually happened was we had a relaxing and lovely Christmas with my parents and then proceeded to anticipate, and anticipate, and anticipate the birth of this child.  Anticipation can wear on a person.  Especially, a person that is rapidly becoming 41 weeks pregnant!  Luckily, all good things do come to an end and finally (finally!) John Crosby Cole made his debut on 1/8/12 (exactly one week late).  I would love to recount every detail from the time labor started to the moment they laid him on my chest but, unfortunately, I am actually expected to keep this boy alive so I'm having a bit of a hard time finding time to wax eloquently on the whole experience.  Thus far, my thoughts on parenting consist of repeatedly looking at David and saying, "This is so much harder than anyone told us!".  But, we are surviving and so is JCC.  And, really, who can resist that sweet face?  Even if it is 3:00 in the morning and he just ate 20 minutes ago?  Stay tuned...
Born 1/8/12 at 7 lbs 7 oz and 20 inches long
 Heading home from the hospital
Sacked out