Sunday, May 8, 2011


It has been a crazy ten days at our house!   Last week, David was busy preparing for his final round interview with P&G and I was busy trying not to constantly "help" David prepare for his final round interview with P&G!   

This job opportunity has been a long time coming and (in typical P&G style) was long and drawn out.  He applied for a Purchasing Manager position in October and finally had his first round interview in late March.  Six weeks after that was his final round interview and they told him it would take three weeks before he heard back.  Imagine our surprise when he got an email this past Monday that started with "Congratulations, David...".  I was actually on the phone with him at the time so I got to hear the gasp, the pause, the announcement, and then the incoherent muttering of details.   He is so, so happy and while we still don't have a start date or a location within Cincinnati, we are both thrilled with the opportunity.

This is even sweeter because it is the perfect answer to many, many prayers.  I'm always amazed when I get a real, tangible response from the Lord and this was no different.   For months, I had felt the Lord's response was to "wait" (not my first instinct) and to see how perfectly this all came together is such a testimony to the power of prayer and the absolutely flawless timing our God has.  So, while David is slightly reluctant to toss aside his flip flops and pick up a razor on a daily basis, he is overjoyed to get rid of his "house manager" duties and we are both looking forward to this next part of the adventure!


amanda said...

Congratulations Dave!! What an awesome God we have, right? We are so excited for you both:)

klp said...

congrats to dave, and wonderful post. God is good!