Saturday, April 24, 2010


So, I wish I could say that I have been busy living the cosmopolitan lifestyle this past week but, I’m afraid the only cosmopolitan I’ve seen in the last seven days was in a SITC2 advertisement!

The week before the midterm presentation is always busy.   As a student in the lab, it was incredibly stressful.  As a TA in the lab, it is really just tiring.  Tiring because I am constantly learning, constantly teaching, and constantly trying to be patient!  I very much like the view from this side of the fence, though, and cannot say that it isn't exactly what I signed up for.  It's always fun to be working on a common goal with a group of really smart people even if it has involved staring at each other and our computers (surrounded by bottles and bottles of aqua frizzante) for longer than we would like!

All this craziness will end on Wednesday at noon and we will be cut loose to travel on our own for two days until reconvening in Florence for a retreat.  If all works out, I will meet up with my DC and his parents in Rome for a full day of Roman fun.  

I'm really looking forward to the Roman fun.

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