Friday, May 7, 2010


I finally scored a ticket to see Leondardo da Vinci’s The Last Supper at 9:15 this morning.  To even get to the painting, you have to pass through three sets of glass doors and wait in three different chambers for the first set to close and the next set to open.  Only 25 people at a time can see the painting and you are strictly limited to a 15-minute time slot in order to control the amount of humidity the painting is exposed to.  While I feel like I am pretty knowledgeable about this particular work of art (Baylor art history, Dan Brown novels, church exposure), I was beyond amazed to walk into this empty chapel with such a small group of people and sit in front of the real deal. 
The audio guide does a fantastic job of comparing the reaction to Jesus’ words "I tell you the truth, one of you will betray me" to the ripples a stone makes as it hits the water.  Leonardo captured a myriad of emotions in each man's response to the statement and, as I started to really look at each of the disciples' reactions, it made me wonder how I might have reacted had I been in their shoes.  While some express anger, some appear astonished, and some demand an explanation, I'm afraid Thomas' reaction is the one I relate to most.  Could it be me?  Could I be the one to betray you?  Do I have it in me?

What a way to start a work day.  

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